More than half of the companies we surveyed (59%) use emerging technology to identify and monitor disruptions in the supply chain. Although technology underlies each of these solutions, human-driven decisions still dominate the process of identifying and monitoring supply chain disruptions.
Suppliers in high-risk countries
Within the next 18 months, 49% of companies plan to shift supply away from high-risk countries to strategically adapt to supply chain disruptions. Companies say the top risks driving the move are operational (70% of companies), logistical (65%), and geopolitical (50%).
Category Management Process
More than a third of the procurement executives we surveyed (36%) ranked their category management process as moderately formal, while 13% said their program was extremely formal.
CAPS News - 9 February 2022
In this week's CAPS News, prepare for what's next in the supply chain, participate in our CPO survey, and explore timely SCM topics like autonomous electric trucks, consumer pessimism and inflation, and more.
Investing in More Strategic Roles
In a 2018 CAPS report, 40% of CPOs chose strategic thinking as the most important capability to advance the profession strategically. Will alignment to larger business objectives going forward require greater headcount working on strategic initiatives?
CAPS News - 26 Jan 2022
Take a dive into the future of supply management and the latest news in sustainability, foreign investment, and more in this week’s CAPS News.
Managed Spend Growing Influence
When the business involves the supply management group in purchasing and sourcing, it can increase savings, better leverage organizational spend, and negotiate stronger contracts. Managed spend, as a percentage of sourceable spend, is a primary indicator of a company’s ability to capture value from the supply management process.
New leadership at CAPS - director and board members
CAPS is here to help you tackle the ongoing challenges facing the industry. To prepare your supply management group to take on another year, we've rounded up recent resources in four trending topics: ESG, Talent, Technology, and Risk.
CAPS News - 12 Jan 2022
Start the year with the right SCM resources and learn the latest in economic expansion, climate change, and more in this week’s CAPS News.
Average Cost Savings
Cost savings is a powerful KPI for demonstrating the value of supply management (SM) to the business. On average, 21.8% of SM employees are in a strategic sourcing role, each delivering $9.1 million in total savings. How does your company compare?