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Renewable Energy Procurement

Corporations worldwide have been purchasing renewable energy at a record pace in recent years, pushing wind, hydroelectric, and solar energy past nuclear and coal for the first time last year. Here, we consider SCM's role in renewable energy procurement.

Supply Management Employees

Across industries, a mere 1.3% of the total headcount is supply management employees.

Modeling & Machine Learning In Use at Top Orgs

Of the companies we surveyed, 73% use statistical modeling and 51% use deep machine learning. More on how modeling & machine learning is used at top organizations can be found in the CAPS Research report, Applying Advanced Data Analytics.

CAPS News - 22 Sept 2021

In this week’s CAPS News, learn how top companies are using analytics to model the future, be prepared for market distributions with risk metrics, and explore the latest news in worker scarcity, inflation, and more.

Supplier Risk Metrics

Assessing and measuring relevant risks is of vital importance to effectively manage and protect an organization. We discuss how to choose your risk metrics, refine your selection over time, and the importance of a supportive culture.

Applying Advanced Analytics: Beyond the Ordinary

Applying Advanced Analytics: Beyond the Ordinary looks at supply management organizations’ practical application of advanced analytics, including successful implementations of predictive and prescriptive procurement analytics models and their integration into mission-critical decision-making processes.

AI in Supply Management

Of the people we surveyed, 19% are currently using artificial intelligence while 34% plan to implement AI within 12 months. Top uses of AI include spend analysis, invoice processing, payment processing, and contract management. 

CAPS News - 8 September 2021

Get a sneak peek of emerging tech use cases in SCM and learn the latest in manufacturing, inflation, shortages, and more in this week’s CAPS News.

The Advantages of Choosing Diverse Suppliers

Many large companies have found strategic benefits in developing a robust supplier diversity program, citing primarily that diverse suppliers are responsive, resilient, and committed to developing their own capabilities. Advancement of supplier diversity programs in large companies requires commitment and capital to develop suppliers, as well as alignment with business objectives.

CAPS News - 25 August 2021

In this week’s CAPS News, explore emerging tech in supply management, get caught up on the Internet of Things, climate concerns, and more.