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CAPS News-24 January 2024

Read about: Research about ESG Practices in Procurement, Inflation Pression tops Operational Risks, ASU and OpenAI

Best Practices in forming Centers of Excellence

An executive overview of recent research about Best Practices in Forming Centers of Excellence. Learn about the different types of centers of excellence and the guidelines to follow when establishing and managing COEs.


Cost Savings Per Supply Management Employee

Cost savings is a powerful KPI for demonstrating the value of supply management to the business. On average, supply management employees are delivering $6.6 million in total savings. How does your company compare?

CAPS News - 10 January 2024

Read about: Our January webinar about Unlocking Green Supply Chains, Geopolitical Risks, Third-party risk, the Supplier Risk Maturity Model and supplier risk programs

Risk Mitigation Strategies

Mitigating supply chain risk has become increasingly important. A recent CAPS report shows that the percentage of firms with mitigation strategies in place for financial and compliance risks is the highest with geopolitical risk strategies being the least utilized.

Supply Risk Assessments, Governance and Mitigation Study

An executive overview of recent research about Supply Risk Assessments, Governance and Mitigation Study.

This blog looks at supplier risk assessment, governance, and mitigation planning as a strategic, dynamic, and evolving phenomenon.