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CAPS News-18 September 2024

Metrics of Inventory Management

Utilize the insights from the second iteration of The Metrics of Inventory Management to identify and track KPIs that measure the efficiency and effectiveness of your operations. This report provides comparisons to the initial 2023 survey and 3 new metrics for a more thorough view of performance. 

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Quick Poll – Travel Expenses

Did you know that more than half of the participants in the recent quick poll survey have allocated a travel budget ranging from $1,000 to $3,000 for each SCM employee? Approximately one third specified that their budget falls within the $1,000 to $2,000 range.

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Best Practices in Forming a COE

Organizations looking to implement or optimize their supply management center of excellence will find guidelines, lessons learned, and suggestions for fully leveraging a COE in this report

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Don’t Miss Out: Catch Up on New Content Added to the CAPS Library in August. 

A Roadmap for Implementing Advanced Analytics

Climate Science Basics with Information and Methods form the IPCC

Quick Poll – Freight Spend Metrics

ESG Supplier Scorecard Considerations

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CAPS Research

CAPS Research

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