CAPS News - 19 April 2023
Understanding cost changes
Industry practices for tracking and managing cost changes are summarized in this new quick poll report. [Download the report in the CAPS Library]
25% of supply management departments have a dedicated person responsible for mitigating and/or managing the impacts of inflation.
[Download the report in the CAPS Library]
Key inflation indicator posts unexpected decline
Wholesale prices posted a surprise decline in March, with the Producer Price index at its lowest annual level since January 2021.
[Read more with BLS]
Key inflation measure registers surprise decrease
Wholesale prices in the US came in well under expectations in February, indicating that inflationary pressure is beginning to ease.
[Read more with BLS]
An estimated 10,000 American companies will be impacted by the forthcoming EU ESG rules currently being drafted.
[Read more with Forbes]
For the third time in the past month, port operations have been impacted on the west coast while the contract renegotiation for workers stretches to nearly a year.
[Read more with WSJ]
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